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Pass Beach Cat Painting by Kathy K McClellan

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Comments (31)

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Kay Brewer for Favoriting this image.

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Voted for your beautiful entry in the Arts of Coastal Views contest!

Thanks Kay!

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you A Hillman for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you to Edward Art for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Hanne Lore Koehler for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Gary Richards for Favoriting this image.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding Pass Beach Cat composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted

Thanks Gary!

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Beautiful acrylic painting, Kathy! L/F/Vote

Thanks Hanne!

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Hiedi Brown for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Gary F Richards for Favoriting this image.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding beautiful Pass Beach Cat composition, lighting, shading, excellent color and artwork! F/L voted

Thanks Gary.

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Outstanding entry in the Blue Paintings contest! Voted

Thanks Kay!

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you A Hillman for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Kay Brewer for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Katya Atanasova for Favoriting this image.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you Gary F Richards for adding this image to your Favorites Collection.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest JUST AN OLD FASHIONED ART SHOW

Thanks Gary!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L … voted for this piece in the contest OUTSIDE BLUES

Thanks Gary!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Awesome artwork! F/L … voted in the BEACH PAINTINGS IN ACRYLIC ONLY contest!

Thanks Gary! I very much appreciate your continued support.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you to Gary Richards for adding this image to his Favorites Collection.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Wonderful colors, contrast, and control in this lovely piece! Fl … voted in the JUST BECAUSE SERIES: “WATER ” contest

Thanks Gary. Your kind words and support are much appreciated.

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you to Rose Elaine for adding this image to her Favorites Collection.

Rose Elaine

Rose Elaine

Simple adds style! L/F

Thanks Rose!

Kathy K McClellan

Kathy K McClellan

Thank you to Jerry Bokowski for adding this image to his Favorites Collection.

Jerry Bokowski

Jerry Bokowski

Nice story behind this painting, Kathy. I too like to paint places I have experienced. Must have been an inspiring day for you!....fav / like

Thanks Jerry. Every day along that coast was an inspiring day!

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Pass Beach Cat by Kathy K McClellan
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