French Bread Slices by Kathy K. McClellan

by Kathy K McClellan
French Bread Slices by Kathy K. McClellan
Kathy K McClellan
Photograph - Photographs
French Bread Slices by Kathy K. McClellan is a photographic image created for Day Two of Three (Art Challenge Theme Bread).
There are 16 or more different types of French bread. This photograph shows three slices stacked on a plate with a pat of butter on the middle slice. These slices of bread came from a French Baguette.
The Baguette is a long, thin shaped loaf originating in France. The word baguette means wand, baton or stick. There are many stories about the origin of the Baguette but the true origin is unknown. The association of the long, thin loaf and the name Baguette was first recorded in 1920.
The dough is defined by French law and in 2018 the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage documented the craftsmanship and culture of making this bread. The artisanal know-how and culture of baguette bread was inscribed to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage lists in 2022.
French Baguette bread is mainly served with appetizers or the main meal.
October 2nd, 2023